Black people and changing of the guard  

In a short period of time Americans will experience the election of a new president, and hopefully it will be current Vice President Kamala Harris. Kamala would represent a new beginning; she would be the first woman and the first person of African American and East Indian descent to serve as President.  

Along with the changes that will happen during this period, the Earth itself is experiencing a transition of its own. Not too long ago, it was thought that our planet was only about 6,000 years old. New revelations are revealing a very different story. Excavations in Antarctica, which are hush-hush, are discovering a lot of things not suspected.  

Antarctica is not the only revelation, however. In Turkey, they have uncovered a buried complex that is far more sophisticated than anything that has already been discovered. Among these are the Derinkuyu underground city and the Gobekli Tepe archaeological site. This discovery has caused researchers to seriously reconsider everything we have heretofore thought about the age and sophistication of Earth. 

The Antarctic and Gobekli Tepe are not the only areas that are causing a change in perception. The giant statues of Easter Island, which were only known to be giant heads until recently, are connected to giant bodies that are being uncovered. 

There are also perceptual changes that involve the African American community. A lot of people refuse to believe that African Americans are intelligent. As it becomes more apparent that the Egyptian culture was far more complex than previously believed, there is a philosophical struggle to hold onto the idea that the ancient Egyptians were white. This is related to the fact that many researchers refuse to believe that Black people had enough intelligence to create Ancient Egypt. Debunking this notion is the fact that researchers have found paintings of Black Egyptians all over Ancient Egypt.  

There are also discoveries being made in other arenas. It is being uncovered that African Americans are great inventors and have been for many years. In addition to technological innovations, it was revealed that an African American woman (Katherine Johnson) was responsible for working out the math that enabled Americans to travel to the Moon. A movie was made, “Hidden Figures,” that describes this situation. 

It is also apparent that contemporary African Americans are making great strides in all types of areas. Black people are extremely resilient…just consider the fact that slavery technically ended a short time ago relatively speaking (1865) yet in spite of extreme hardships they have excelled in almost every area of endeavor they have tried. The recent successes at the Olympic games, in sports and in other areas demonstrates expertise among Black people.  

The main hindrance to Black success is not just the oppression that has been an ever-present fixture since arriving in slave ships to work for free; it is the DIVISION that is obvious in almost every arena where Black people are turning on each other. It is extreme; it is epic– there are “beefs” everywhere. 

The question we might ask is whether or not there are hidden enemies creating discord and violence among Black people. After all is said and done, as the world changes, so are its people. Enemies of the community are aware of that fact and some are beginning to question the source of ongoing Black-on-Black violence.  

The Black community can offset this negative trend through loving one another and working together. That is the ONLY way that African Americans can survive the madness and unfairness of white American oppression. As the world’s guard is changing, Black people are changing with it. It would behoove the Black community to embrace this change in a positive manner. This needs to happen if African Americans are to successfully overcome their enemies, pool resources and perform well individually and collectively in the new world that is to come. Aluta Continua. 

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