The Business Of Beating Imposter Syndrome, According To Iman Alleyne, Founder Of Kind Academy

The Business Of Beating Imposter Syndrome, According To Iman Alleyne, Founder Of Kind Academy
Iman Alleyne

Being the boss comes with a level of responsibility people watching from the stands may never see. One of those responsibilities is overcoming crippling self-doubt that could sabotage your success. Sometimes, self-doubt rears its head as imposter syndrome when an individual doubts their accomplishments and abilities.

Iman Alleyne, the CEO and founder of an educational organization called Kind Academy, has had to push through imposter syndrome on her way to the top. The entrepreneur runs a Black and woman-owned micro-school network based in Coral Springs, Florida, with nationwide locations and an online global school.

For context, micro-schools provide small, flexible learning environments that are often progressive relative to traditional schools. Microschools are also becoming more pervasive in the U.S. – according to The Hill, there were roughly 95,000 in the country as of 2024. 

As a trailblazer in her industry for almost a decade, Alleyne has had to overcome challenges that range from being the only Black woman in education spaces to receiving pushback from colleagues. The business owner, who has a Master’s degree in School Counseling, started as a middle school counselor, became a special education teacher, and eventually transitioned into an assistant principal position before starting her own program. 

“The big thing was there was nobody that looked like me,” Alleyne tells ESSENCE. “I really started off as a homeschool co-op. I’m in Florida, and there were just so many groups and nobody looked like us. So I always felt like an imposter there.” 

She continues, “On the business side, nobody had a Black-owned business in the education field when I started in Florida, for sure.” Homeschool co-ops are a group of homeschooling families who work together towards a shared education goal for their kids. 

Despite the many challenges Alleyne has faced, her business continues to flourish, and so does her self-confidence. Here are some ways the Kind Academy owner has worked to overcome imposter syndrome when it shows up. 

Say Affirmations Consistently 

Affirmations may seem like a buzzword in 2025. Still, they’re a transformative way to stimulate your brain and change how you see yourself. Over the years, saying positive things repeatedly has helped the founder combat imposter syndrome. 

“People don’t understand the value of that. And psychologically, it’s proven, scientifically proven to work,” says Alleyne. Everyone takes a different approach to using affirmations. Some people stick them on the mirror with a sticky note, while others journal their affirmations and read them every morning. Alleyne has been using a daily affirmation app called Think Up for the past six years, which allows her to record and personalize her affirmations. 

“I put hip-hop behind it or whatever mood I’m in. And then I let it just play in my earbuds. It basically blocks you from being able to say any of the negative things that you would say about yourself. Imposter syndrome is really, you,” she says. 

Strike A Power Pose

A simple but powerful go-to for Alleyne when she’s feeling imposter syndrome creep up is doing a power pose. Poser poses are postures that help you express power and confidence. Consider a Superman pose, salutation, or victory chant if you need a visual. The premise is that your posture can impact your mood and behavior. Explore various power poses during a bout of imposter syndrome and see if it helps shift your perspective and energy. 

Journal When Imposter Syndrome Shows Up 

Journaling isn’t a new concept, but it is still a powerful tool that can foster better self-awareness and boost self-esteem. The founder relies on journaling to help her maintain a positive mindset and boost her confidence. She especially gravitates to journaling when she feels she doesn’t belong in a space. 

“I journal those feelings out so I can at least be aware of them and be conscious of them,” she says. “Because once I’m conscious of them, I can combat them with thought-stopping.”

Thought-stopping is a cognitive behavioral technique where you interrupt and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. 

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